Mid Shore Region

Live the Mid Shore Lifestyle

Welcome to the Mid Shore of Maryland, a region known for its natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant lifestyle. Whether you’re a lifelong resident or a newcomer to the area, there’s always something new to discover and enjoy on the Mid Shore.

Life is slower on this side of the Chesapeake Bay, and many call it ‘the land of pleasant living’. The Eastern Shore comprises the Lower Shore counties of Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties, and the Mid Shore counties of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot. 

The Mid Shore’s charming small towns like St. Michaels, Cambridge, and Chestertown dot the landscape, offering a unique blend of natural and cultural attractions. Whether you’re interested in outdoor recreation, arts and culture, or simply relaxing with friends and family, you can find it here.  And, if you love a day at the beach or connecting with city life, we’re only about an hour away from major cities like Washington, DC, Baltimore,  Ocean City and the beautiful beaches that run along the Maryland and Delaware coast.

We’re dedicated to showcasing all that the Mid Shore has to offer. From the latest events and festivals to the best restaurants and attractions, we’re here to help you make the decision to accept that position on the Shore, feeling secure that you’ll love it here. 

See what makes the Shore special!

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Mid Shore Provider Recruitment & Retention Networking Group

The Mid Shore Provider Recruitment & Retention Networking Group is for all healthcare professionals, their families on the Mid Shore of Maryland, and healthcare employers. A place to share job openings, professional opportunities, and community events, and a place to support each other, including providers and family members. The Facebook Group is run and managed by the Mid Shore Provider Recruitment and Retention workgroup in partnership with the Maryland Rural Health Association.